Stakeholder Analysis of Recycling Businesses Contributions in Swat at Bottom of Pyramid Markets
frugal innovation, lifecycle assessment, recycling businesses, waste management, resource recovery cycle RRCsAbstract
The study aimed to analyze stakeholders’ contributions of recycling intermediaries operating at bottom of pyramid markets in District Swat. In the context of Pakistan's weak waste governance and its role as a global recipient of imported waste, the research investigates how local recycling intermediaries reclaim value from waste materials through lifecycle assessment-based resource recovery cycles (RRCs). Utilizing an inductive qualitative research design rooted in grounded theory, the study identifies key stakeholders involved in recycling waste such as textiles, waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEEs), and post-harvest agricultural materials. The findings of study indicate that frugal innovation which refer to cost-efficient recycling practices known as jugaad is prevalent among low-income communities termed as below the base of pyramid markets. Through semi-structured interviews and three-tiered grounded theory-based codification (open, axial, and selective), the study reveals that intermediaries operate with minimal resources yet significantly contribute to local economies and inwardly to environmental sustainability. The study further indicates the existence of recursive, resource recovery cycles (RRCs) used by intermediaries, which encompass both upcycling and down cycling type of recycling. The study proposes a logic diagram that discusses contributions of specific stakeholders, emphasizing the critical role of frugal innovation in driving recycling efforts in district Swat. This study contributes to understanding how recycling intermediaries create value in resource-constrained environments and offers insights into enhancing waste management strategies in developing countries.
Keywords: Frugal innovation, Lifecycle assessment, recycling intermediaries, waste management, resource recovery cycles, Botton of Pyramid markets.
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