Guidelines For Authors
Guidelines for submission of Research Papers
- Research Papers, submitted online through , shall be entertained for review and further publication process.
- The submitted articles are screened and reviewed at the Desk of Assistant Editor and or by the Internal Review Committee, for the prescribed scope, contribution to literature, and novelty of the research conducted.
- If an article does not meet the minimum criteria, the Assistant Editor shall inform the author accordingly, online/ through email within two months of its submission. The decision of the Internal Review Committee/Assistant Editor shall be considered as final.
- Article process fee, through demand draft of PKR 4000/- (Non-Refundable) in favor of Qurtuba University of Science & Information Technology shall be deposited at the time of submission of the article. University shall not be responsible for any type of fee deposited by any individual /organization, for publication/conference, etc. to any other source(s)/individual(s)/employee(s).
- The author shall send online the scan copy of the bank demand draft through OJS/email of the relevant journal.
- The author shall send original demand draft to the Finance Manager of Qurtuba University of Science and Information Technology.
- After a successful Desk Review, the research paper will be sent for double-blind peer review.
- In case of minor observation(s), changes from the reviewer/ blind peer review, the author shall have to rectify the same and make changes in the article accordingly.
- In the case of major observation(s), changes from the blind peer review, the paper shall not be considered for publication.
- When the Review Committee approves the article, then the author will be advised to deposit a publication fee of PKR 15,000/-, which would be paid through a Demand Draft in favor of Qurtuba University of Science & Information Technology.
- The maximum number of authors in a single paper shall be three. Authorship and order of authorship cannot be changed after the acceptance.
- Every article is processed for similarity index, using Turnitin®.An article, having a similarity index of more than 19% in total, and/or more than 4% with a single source, will not be considered for publication.
- In the case of grammatical mistakes, the author(s) may be asked to get the paper proofread by a professional. (Proofreading certificate has to be attached).
- The author of two papers shall not be allowed for publication in a single issue, regardless of the fact whether the author is the principal or a co-author.
- Papers for publication from the renowned authors of technologically advanced countries shall be entertained on a priority basis.
- The articles submitted for an issue (with allotted ID number), if not included in the current issue, shall be published in the next issue, subject to the consent of the author for resubmitting it as a fresh case.
- A hard copy of the Acceptance Letter, duly signed by the Editor, shall be considered as the right claim. The digitally signed hard copy shall not be considered.
- Manuscript style guidelines: Manuscript must be free of all self-references to the author.
- Short sentences, short paragraphs, and simple, clear phraseology, with direct tenses, are recommended virtues
- The font should be in Times New Roman 11 points.
- Words from languages, other than English, should be properly italicized.
- Quotations should be in double quotation marks. Long quotations of three or more lines should be double- indented and single-spaced, with quotation marks.
- The numbers of 12 and higher should be in figures.
- Dates should be in the form e.g., September 5, 1990; 1994-1998; or, the 1990s.
- All headings should be in bold and title case; all ranged left. They should not be numbered.
- Page Layout :
Top Bottom Right Left 2 Inches 1.5 Inches 2 Inches 2 Inches - Text Format :
Line Spacing Single & Justified Font Size 11 Referencing APA Hanging Indented Tables’ Font Size 10 Tables Heading Text Style Italic Tables’ Contents Style Non-Italic Abstract Font Size 10 Abstract Font Style Italic Keywords Font Size 10 “Keywords” Font Style Italic
- 19. Notes and references: Notes should contain bibliographical information only. These should be set out in a single-spaced list at the end of the article, not at the foot of the typescript pages. Your bibliographical notes, which will be printed as a list of endnotes after the article, should include at least the following information (Chicago Manual Style) and APA for The Sciencetech:
- For books or other free-standing publications: author, the full title of, work (italic), place of publication, name of the publisher, date of publication (in parenthesis) & the page(s) referred to.
- For periodical articles: full name of the author, the title of the article (in quotation marks), the title of periodical (italic), year of publication, page numbers of article.