When An enhanced mutual authentication with secure user anonymity for two tier wireless body area network

An enhanced mutual authentication with secure user anonymity for two tier wireless body area network


  • Asim Zeb Abbottabad University of Science and Technology
  • Muhammad Imran Khan aust.edu.pk
  • Muhammad Furqan Qurtuba University


When multipurpose and specially vital signs wearable sensory devices emerged as the new development field, WBAN (Wireless Body Area Networks) dawned, which was a point of interest for saftey care for intense care patients. As wireless body area networks uses wireless channel for data collection and transmission, which contains patient’s sensitive information. Due to this new challenge, need of light-weight design of security protocols for this new technology is the need of the day. Recently a light-weight intialization / authentication protocol for it is presented which needs enhanced security with less computational cost. Therefore, some areas needed to be identified and incoorporated in this protocol to make it more efficient and strong. Inspite of equivalent cost the compared results are showed for the improved proposed protocol which clearly depicts the enhanced security by introducing usage of timestamp and Diffie–Hellman algorithm for authentication. Broadly accepted Burrows Abadi Needham logic is used to analyze the security of proposed protocol

Author Biography

Muhammad Imran Khan, aust.edu.pk

Lecturer Department of Computer Science Abbottabad University of Science and Technology Abbottabad.

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