Development and Quality Evaluation of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L) Jam
Sugar Beet Jam, Sucrose Concentrations, Physico-chemical, Microbial and Sensory EvaluationAbstract
SSugar beet jam prepared from different sucrose concentrations of 45%, 55% and 68% was evaluated for physico chemical, sensory and microbial profiles. All the jam samples portrayed non-significant (p ≤ 0.01) results in pH and acidity (%) whereas significantly different results were recorded in reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars (%) and sugar acid ratio in jam samples. The jam prepared from 55% sucrose on the whole was extremely liked by panelists owing to attractive color with quit ideal taste and texture. Besides the jam has outstanding consistency due to possessing moderate concentration of solids and is significantly superior to both 45 and 68% sugar jam samples. 45% sucrose concentration has also produced a good quality jam in terms of color, taste, texture, spreadability and overall acceptability. It was quite superior to 68% but was significantly inferior to jam samples prepared from 55% sugar. Jam prepared by 68% sugar has not attained a conspicuous rank in the study as compared to 55 and 45% sugar jams perhaps owing to quite tough/rigid jell structure (texture) and limited flow behavior (spreadability). Moreover 68% concentration has produced the jam with darkest color. 45% and 55% jams being significantly low in sucrose contents as compared to conventional jam, may be utilized by a vast group of consumers. Since the correct sugar content in a food hydro colloids plays a critical role in appropriate gel formation, rheology and storage/shelf life, therefore jam developed from 55 % solids had shown superior physico-chemical and sensory attributes as compared to 45 and 68% jams. No fungal and yeast counts were observed in any treatment of the developed product.
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