Numerical Analysis of Parametric Variations in an Asymmetrically Heated Contra Rotating Disc System
Contra Rotating Disc System, Low Reynolds Number, Second Moment Closure, Heat Transfer, Numerical SimulationsAbstract
To minimize the cost of jet engines, future generations of ultra-high bypass engines may utilize counter-rotating disc systems. This research investigated the fluid stream and heat transfer behaviour between an asymmetrically heated counter-rotating plate system. For the analysis of the parameters, simulation work has been according to the experimental work found in the literature. Results are obtained for Reynolds number and mass stream rates with a plate velocity ratio of -1. The commercial software ANSYS Fluent is implemented employing the axisymmetric, constant state and elliptical method of the cylindrical polar coordinate system. The low-Re number and the low-Re number 2nd moment closure model, are invoked to analyze the fluid stream and heat transfer behaviour between counter-rotating discs. The simulation results illustrate the stream structure, static temperature profiles, and Nusselt number as Reynolds numbers and mass streams change. The stream structure predicted by the two turbulence models shows fluid cores circulating between laminar boundary layers. These centres formed a two-cell structure that cancelled each other in the central part of the cavity. The current stream parameter is a key parameter that affects the stream structure, static temperature and Nusselt number. The Nusselt numbers predicted by the two turbulence models are in good condition with experimental measurements.

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