Gender-Based Analysis of Learning Styles among University Students in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Study
Considering the learning style of learners is as significant as the course content being taught in educational institutions. Education based on student-preferred learning styles strives to provide learning methods as well as educational content appropriate for the students. Focusing on preferred learning styles in curriculum designing and academic activities can enhance its effectiveness. The purpose of the current research was to explore the preferences of university students concerning general preferences of learning styles, gender, and discipline differences. The sample consisted of 495 students (44% were females and 55% were male students) of age range 18 to 26 years enrolled under five major faculties from different universities in Pakistan. Felder-Soloman Index of Learning Styles (ILS), a 44-item scale was administered for this purpose. This study addressed three key purposes: The first purpose was the investigation of the general profiles of university students regarding learning style. The second purpose was the exploration of the learning style differences regarding gender while the third purpose was the examination of differences in students' learning styles regarding various disciplines. The statistical practices of average, t-test, ANOVA along with Tukey tests were employed for analyzing data. The preferred learning style of more than half of the students in the present study were sensing, verbal, global, and active learners. Students Learning Styles if grouped according to gender shows higher frequency of male students in Visual-verbal, Active-Reflective, Sequential-Global learning styles. Frequency of female students was higher compared to male in Sensing-Intuitive learning style. Overall result revealed significant differences among university students regarding gender. Results also indicated that the students scored differently in learning styles concerning disciplines in the four ILS scales. This study highlights significant differences in learning styles among university students based on gender and academic discipline. Educators should consider these differences when designing instructional strategies to ensure they are inclusive and effective for all students. Future research should explore these learning style variations in different educational contexts and investigate additional factors influencing learning preferences.
Keywords: Learning style; e-learning; gender differences; discipline differences, university students

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