Leadership Trends of Principals of Higher Secondary Schools in Punjab
The present study was conducted to identify leadership trends used by principals and to explore relationship between leadership trends and students’ performance. The objective of the study was to find out leaderships trends currently being practiced by principals of higher Secondary Schools in Punjab. 327 males and 343 female principals working in Government Higher Secondary Schools in the Punjab were the population of the study. Questionnaire developed on five-point Likert scale, was used to collect data from the respective respondents i.e. Principals. Student’s performance was examined through their Board results. Stratified sampling technique was used in the study. The Punjab province is divided into four strata viz. districts of very high literacy, districts of high literacy, districts of low literacy and districts of very low literacy. It was found that male and female both principals possess different leadership trends. Leadership trends of the respondents of rural and urban schools are almost the same. The results of Higher Secondary Schools are significantly correlated with the leadership trends. Overall Visionary leadership trend is highly correlated with the better results of Higher Secondary Schools.
Keywords: leadership, trends, impact, performance, literacy

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