Religious Education in Pakistan Status of Non-Formal Education in Teaching and Learning Process of Madaris


  • Habibullah Khan Students
  • Muhammad Ajmal


Mutawassit, Aama. Aalia, Aalamiya, Fiqh, Hijrat, Hadith, Ilm/Uloom, Khasa, Madrasa, Wafaq ul Madaras


Pakistan grew with three types of education systems at the time of independence; the public sector, private and religious education institutions or Deeni Madaris. The first two systems introduced modern or contemporary education where the students pursue higher education to meet the needs of globalization. As far as the third system that is religious education, has been delimited, since then, to the boundaries of mosque and Deeni Madaris due to internal and external factors. The religious education institutions, for the last many centuries produced renowned scholars, philosophers, and scientists whose work was used as a reference by other scientists of the world. But, unfortunately, Madaris could not continue their pace of work due to internal and external factors. The Deeni Madaris of Pakistan are affiliated mainly with fifteen examination boards /Wafaqs governed by Itihad Tanzeemat ul Madaris Pakistan (ITMP). According to Pakistan Education Statistics 2016-17, almost three Million students are getting education in the different levels of Dars-e-Nizami in 31,326 Deeni Madaris. Global changes and emerging technologies in the world drew Deeni Madaris and their education to the negotiation table; discussions were made at all levels wherein the governments intended different efforts of reforms in Madaris. In 2019, the Government of Pakistan signed an agreement ITMP to mainstream Deeni Madaris and integrate modern education with religious education. However, Madaris introduce contemporary education in non-formal means to ensure reforms. Both types of education are essential to be extended along with well-equipped facilities and resources in Deeni Madaris. This will enable students of Deeni Madaris to pursue further study to eliminate disparity and differences in thought and will curb the menace of intolerance.

       Keywords: Mutawassit, Aama. Aalia, Aalamiya, Fiqh, Hijrat, Hadith, Ilm/Uloom, Khasa, Madrasa, Wafaq ul Madaris


